Sunday Morning Sestina.

Once again I sit at home,
a Sunday morning passing.
I've had a shower and imbibed,
my early morning cuppa,
now its time to spark my mind
and play with my computer.

My lovely Internet Computer,
use the mouse, click on Home,
it takes an age, but I don't mind.
What shall I do while the time is passing?
I know, I'll make another Cuppa.
We should be in now - the tea is imbibed.

Ugh! I recall, last night's ale inbibed
and playing with my Computer.
Perhaps I should have had a cuppa
instead of ale when I got Home.
Ohh, now I remember passing
out and the spinning in my mind.

The empty beer cans here, remind
of those extravagantly imbibed,
and wine and whisky passing
lips, in front of my computer.
Errgh! I'm glad I'm home,
I'll have another cuppa.

To the kitchen, make a cuppa.
Looking carefully to mind
Rover, in his doggy home,
and water he has mis-imbibed.
Now, at last, I sit at my computer,
and watch the web page passing.

Watch the web page passing,
drink another Cuppa,
play with my computer.
Feed the body and the mind,
alcohol and information, both imbibed
in the comfort of my home.

I know I'm home, I've got another cuppa,
knowledge passing through my mind,
imbibed at my computer.

JB  Feb 2001