Character Generation


All characters in Quad are human although they might have a Dwarf or an Elf somewhere in their family bloodline.

Characters who are part Dwarf tend to be slightly shorter than average and broader across the shoulders, they get a +1 modifier to Body and a -1 modifier to Agility when the character’s vital statistics are rolled.

Characters who are part Elf tend to be slightly shorter than average and slimmer, they get a +1 modifier to Agility and a -1 modifier to Body when the character’s vital statistics are rolled

Players can choose the racial background of their character - BUT must do so before Vital Statistics are rolled.

Vital Statistics

Characters are defined by 3 vital statistics Strength, Agility and Body, which are generated by rolling 1d6 for each. 0 is considered Very Poor, 1 is considered Poor, 2-5 is Average, 6 is Good and 7 is Very Good. There are no statistics to represent mental abilities, its your responsibility to play the character to the best of your ability.

Life Points

Character vitality is measured by life points - each character starts with 2d6 life points. Characters with a Very Good Body may add two life point to their total, a Good Body adds 1, a Poor Body subtracts 1 and a Very Poor Body subtracts 2 from the total. But only to a minimum of 1 life point.

During the creation process characters gain 1 extra life point for every 5 skill points that they spend on combat and every 8 points they spend on shady skills. (see below)

If a character is ever reduced to zero life points they are unconscious or incapacitated. If Life Points should ever fall below -5, the character is dead