The Wenino

The coastal area north of the mountains is inhabited by cavemen, ‘The Wenino’. These cavemen live in extended family groups ranging in size from 10 to 120 people. They inhabit caves and caverns, either along the coast or further back into the mountains. They are a short stocky and hirsute people, who tend to wear a full beard and shoulder length unbound hair. They dress in animal skins and have a language that allows them to communicate most matters, but does not deal well with abstract concepts and values well.

Larger groups of Wenino are served by shaman of Varen a nature god and the Wenino follow a life style based on those things that nature provides, they do not cultivate crops but hunt, trap and gather whatever they can find. All members of the family, female as well as male, are involved in these activities although more men are hunters and more women are gatherers. Children are introduced to these activities as soon as their mothers are able to return to normal activities.

Many small groups, and all medium or large groups, will have at least one member that speaks the common tongue to facilitate trade with the occasional merchant or adventuring group travelling from Porter’s Bar. The largest groups will have more than one common speaker, who all speak with a strong guttural accent.

Coastal Wenino have a diet, which includes seaweed’s, birds’ eggs, fish and shellfish, and they tend to have pearls and shell jewellery to trade. Mountain dwelling Wenino generally live on small game and whatever they can forage in the local area, they have animal skins and carved wooden jewellery to trade. Although the main source of trade for both groups is the wood so desperately needed by Porter’s Bar, although there are religious implications associated with that. High ranking Wenino generally have metal tools and weapons, gained through trade, while most others are equipped with stone, bone or wooden weapons and tools and are seen as a symbol of rank

Leaders of small groups of Wenino are known as ‘Sub-Chiefs’ and most are associated to the ‘Chief’ of a medium sized group. Most Chiefs are associated to the local ‘High-Chief’, who is generally the leader of the largest band in the area. The Wenino are semi-nomadic, smaller groups regularly moving in and out of the caverns of the larger groups. It is not unusual for small group to spend 3 months or so living, and integrated, with their local medium size. For part of that time the medium sized group could be living in the cavern of their High-Chief. The small family group might then move back to a small cave for a few months.

The Wenino value physical skills over cerebral abilities, and this coupled with their naturally powerful bodies mean they have better than average human hit points and armour class. Perhaps because they live in such an unsettled area, all Wenino are skilled with at least one weapon.

Some people noting their low sloping forehead and lower than average intelligence, have postulated that the Wenino are actually proto-human rather than fully human.

Coastal Wenino

Weapon Skills Available

Fishermen use Javelins 70% of the time Harpoons 10%, gathers are likely to have 40% Daggers and 40% slings. Others will be armed with clubs

Non Weapon Skills Available
G             Blind Fighting
G             Boating (canoe)
G             Set Snares (lobster pots etc)
G             Alertness
G             Boat Building (Canoes only at Int-1)
G             Danger sense
G             Fire Building
G             Fishing (javelin or harpoon)
G             Hiding (humanoids book, restricted to coastal regions)
G             Language [various]
G             Leather Working
G             Shell Carving (make shell jewellery at dex–2) based on gem cutting
G             Stone Napping (make weapons and tools from flint - Dex-2
G             Survival (coastal)
G             Swimming
G             Weather Sense
G             Wood Working
P              Healing
P              Herbalism
P              Local History
P              Musical Interment (drum)

Mountain Wenino

Weapon Skills Available
   Battle Axe

Hunters use Spears 50% of the time Slings 30%, gathers are likely to have 40% Daggers and 40% slings. Others will be armed with clubs. Chieftains will often have Battle Axes.

Non Weapon Skills Available
G             Blind Fighting
G             Hunting
G             Set Snares (small game)
G             Alertness
G             Danger sense
G             Fire Building
G             Hiding (humanoids book, restricted to hilly or mountainous regions)
G             Language [various]
G             Leather Working
G             Stone Napping
G             Survival (Hill/Mountains)
G             Weather Sense
G             Wood Working
P              Healing
P              Herbalism
P              Local History
P              Musical Interment (drum)

The  Wenino People

Normal People
Hit Points             (2d8)
Armour Class             8
Move    12”

Strength             10+d6
Constitution            10+d6            [Wenino do not receive hit point bonuses]
Dexterity            8+2d4
Wisdom            2+2d4
Intelligence            2+2d4
Charisma            3d6            [-6 to non Wenino]
Comeliness            3d6            [-6 to non Wenino]
Perception            3d6

THACO            19
Weapon Skills            d2
Non weapon Skills     Survival [appropriate area] +2 other appropriate skills [use fighter and general groups]

Sub Chief
Hit Points             (3d8)
Armour Class             7            [shield or piece of armour]

THACO            18
Weapon Skills            2            [specialised in 1 weapon more likely to have metal weapons]
Non weapon Skills     Survival            [appropriate area] +3 other appropriate skills

Hit Points             (4d8)
Armour Class             6            [shield and/or pieces of armour]

THACO            18
Weapon Skills            2            [specialised in 1 weapon more likely to have metal weapons]
Non weapon Skills     Survival [appropriate area] +3 other appropriate skills

High Chief
Hit Points             (5d8)
Armour Class             5            [shield and/or pieces of armour]

THACO            17
Weapon Skills            3            [specialised in 1 weapon will have metal weapons]
Non weapon Skills     Survival [appropriate area] +4 other appropriate skills


Varen is a lesser god, who if he appears takes the form of a bulbous 15’ clay human with 3 heads and armed with a club. He has a neutral outlook on life, but with Chaotic Good overtones. He encourages the Wenino to give outsiders the benefit of the doubt (most of the time) but to be wary. The Wenino are expected to live from the fruits of the land, cultivation is seen as a desecration and should be avoided, they are required to live in harmony with their surroundings. Taking whole plants (including trees) is ok - so long as they are taken singly and the immediate locality given a chance to recover before another plant is taken out. EG single trees are OK - logging operations are not.

Most ceremonies are carried out in the open to the accompaniment of the drums, sacrifices are weekly and consist of the best the tribe has gathered dedicated to Varen and then used as a feast for all the tribe. Rare and important ceremonies are carried out in deep, dark caves and involve the use of mind-expanding drugs. Only shaman attends these ceremonies.

Shamans, both male and female, are often in a senior advisor position within a particular group.

Varen allows his shaman normal clerical spell levels with access to spells from the spheres of All, Animal, Plant and Weather. All Shaman are expected to be proficient with the club. Many Shaman are skilled in playing the drum.

The local drum is deep and narrow and generally covered by an animal skin important to the individual shaman.

Junior Shaman
as Normal Wenino
& 1st level Clerical spell abilities]
use priest and general groups for non weapon skills

as Normal Wenino
& 2nd level clerical spell abilities
use priest and general groups for non weapon skills

High Shaman
as Sub Chief
& 3rd level Clerical spell abilities
use priest and general groups for non weapon skills