Building the Port and the Landed Lords

Once the threat of the Lizardmen had been neutralised, it became clear  to Han Shay that they would need a
secure base from which to trade.  Somewhere  with a harbour, docks, ship builders and warehouses.  Of  all
of the settlements, his bas on the land-bar between the swamp and the sea was best suited -  But  he
couldn't  do it alone, and her feared then enmity of the other lords if  her  should appear to prosper to
their disadvantage..

After much discussion, they reached a compromise, the port  would  be built on the Say estate, but each of the founder  would contribute to the project -  and in return they would  form the Council of Porter's Bar.

It took 3 years hard work-  but eventually the first harbour was built  and an a small ship yard started - soon the first  ships  were plying their trade along the coast