The Legal System

The City Watch

Men dressed in leather armor, bearing the mark of the city, and armed with walking stick length clubs. Their function is to patrol the streets of the city and make sure that thieves are apprehended, muggers caught, burglars intercepted etc. They also have a responsibility to keep the peace and will escort dunks home (or throw them in the lockup for the night if they are misbehaving) and other minor civic duties.

Technically they are supposed to give equal coverage to the whole city, in reality there are many more guardsmen assigned to the areas higher up the city (which are wealthier) than the lower areas. Some areas only get very occasional patrol's at all ….

They will deal with minor offences without resorting to the judges. The penalty for minor offences such as drunk and disorderly, striking out at a warder (fist not weapons), minor brawling where neither want to press charges in the morning etc

Anything that a victim wants referred to a magistrate, attacks on warders with weapons, serious affray, repeat offenders and anything else they consider major will automatically get referred to a magistrate.

They do not investigate unsolved crimes but are responsible for immediate action only.