Lord Petros of Arnos Vale 

Lord Petros is in his late 40's,   he is a fairly big man,  not  so  much tall as well built -  perhaps even a little portly -  but  with an underlying strength.  He  wears  his  hair  quite long, his beard short and dresses fairly conservatively.

Like  previous Lords of Arnos Grove -  he  has  has spent time in the swamps and understands the  risks his  hunters  take - at least in part because he has shared them.  He  also  also  spent time in the farms and orchards learning their ways,  and has traveled  away  from home on  a number of  occasions.  He  is the ruler of Arnos Vale.

His  cousin, Robert duVale is the Lord Chief justice of Porter's Bar.

In AD&D2  he  is -  Wis:16  Ranger L6  skilled with  cutlass, hand axe, dagger, and bow.  Other  skills include  read/write, administration, intimidation, local history.