Royal and Noble Titles


Accepted as the major leaders of the region.


Holds land in his/her own right, which generally requires administration by sixteen or more landed nobles. (From the Hann Tradition)

Crown Prince

Holds land in his/her own right, which generally requires administration by eight or more landed nobles. (New Tradition)


A title awarded to the children and spouses royal people. (King, Queen, Crown Prince) (From the Hann Tradition)


Other nobles who rule in their own right

Arch Duke

Holds land in his/her own right, which generally requires administration by four or more landed nobles. (New Tradition)


Holds land in his/her own right, which generally requires administration by two or more landed nobles. (From the Wangate Tradition)

Grand Baron
Grand Malik

The lowest ruling rank, the titles come from many traditions, and are seen as having the same social position.

Landed, Hereditary

Nobles who control an area of land on behalf of another, and the title passes within their family


Holds land, as part of a greater area of land, which generally requires administration by four or more landed nobles. (From the Hann Tradition)


Holds land, as part of a greater area of land, which generally requires administration by two or more landed nobles. (From the Hann Tradition)


The lowest landed rank, this titles come from the Old Kingdom of Hann.


Other Nobles


Administers land (generally for a Count or an Earl). This is a non-hereditary title. (From the Hann Tradition)


An honorary title bestowed on the Children or spouses of hereditary nobles. It is also awarded to some individuals, such as the leaders of the five great Celtic houses (Baralli; Pagini; Treveri; Jacetone and Marisi), the Grand Commanders of Chivalric Orders and Arch-Deans. It is a non-hereditary title


All nobles are entitled to fly a square or oblong banner, should they choose, to vote in elections and to take retainers with them during the elections and state visits. There are also entitled to be called M'Lord or M'Lady or some similar term associated with their title.

Traditions :- The titles come from the following traditional sources

The Hann Tradition covers titles that were in use in the old Kingdom of Hann.
The Zacharan Tradition covers titles from the Invasion by the Grand Caliph.
The Wangate Tradition takes new titles from the era of the Wangate Empire.
The Gnomic Tradition - is just that.