The Marketplace in Bime

This is like nowhere else the Characters have ever seen. It is crawling with stalls, it is as if a busy Western Market collided with a busy Arabic Bazaar.

There are traditional western market stalls, selling produce, material, western style clothes, household items and many other things. Anything common from the PHB is for sale, including weapons (Less than 5 GP) armours (Leather, Padded, Studded) and small shields. Other weapons and rarer items, there is a 75% chance of finding the item, keep rolling until you don't find them anymore.

There are arabic traders, merchants, barbers and beggars galore. Common things from the Al Qadim source book are available 90% of the time, keep rolling until you don't find them anymore. Rarer Items are available 50% of the time, keep rolling until you don't find them anymore. All goods from Al Qadim are sold at the asking price, unless they are cheaper in the PHB, in which case buyers will pay a 5-10% premium for Arabic decorations.

There are always 2 or 3 barbers in the Market and at least 6 beggars.