Eagle Rocks

Eagle Rocks is a occasional encampment between the lake and the mountains on the way to the swamps.  It consists of half a dozen large rocks arranged in a rounghly circular pattern.

Against the side of one rock there is an improvised shelter, and close by against the face of a different rock there is a fire pit.  The other rocks make an irregular border -  Just enough to delineate the camp and  act as a slight wind break, but not enough to act as a fence or provide any security.  There are bushes close to hand that will provide firewood and a small stream, about 100 yards away, will supply clean water.

For years it has served as an occasional overnight stop for hunters, trappers, rangers and any others who regularly travel around the area.  It is considered ‘good practice’ to do some maintenance work on the camp before you leave, even if it is only weaving another couple of branches into the  side of the shelter.

Imagine something like this built up against the side of a large rock.  Field Shelter

The surounding land is typical of the foothills in this area.

Eagle Rock Camp - Plan