Earl Rivers Regiment of Foote

Minutes of meeting held on the 18 November 2001 at the Three Horseshoes in Donnington Village, Newbury.


Jeff Vincent Chairman/Secretary

R Townsend

A Jenkins

A Fisher

S Evans

P Cottrell

H Cottrell

B Paxton

J Blissett

S Townsend

K Warren

C Warren

D Warren

A Clayton


C Lay

A Wright

S Derrett

J Oakley

P A Oakley

K Spooner

R Larder

S Collis

J Collis

R Blissett

P Stone

John Bailey

Matthew Goode


E A Oakley

Lithos (Sorry, R Stone) arrived just as the meeting finished (let down by trains)

Meeting started 10:30am

Secretaries Note: Some of the points aren’t quite in the order we discussed them, but as we didn’t have an agenda we went back to some things.

Chairman’s Note: Sorry I didn’t prepare an agenda.

1. The state of the Regiment

Lurch started by explaining that he had called the meeting to establish where we want to go with Earl Rivers for the future. Whilst the Foot and Mouth restrictions had made this year very difficult, he apologised that communications could have been better, however, we now had the choice of carrying on as we have been recently – turning up at the last minute (if at all), doing nothing but the battle, failing abysmally at drill etc or moving forward to improve our skills, dress and involvement with civil war re-enactment. If we wanted to do the former he felt he would have to resign.

The meeting was asked if anyone wanted to carry on as we are at present. All present were in favour of moving forward. After some discussion the following actions were agreed:

ACTION 1.1: Everyone to inform Lurch, at least two weeks in advance, whether they are or are or not going to events. (ie you must contact Lurch whatever to decide to do) (even if you don’t know)

ACTION 1.2: Everyone who is able must go on the field or take part in some kind of re-enactment. Having a hangover or "feeling a bit under the weather" is not an excuse.

2. Drumming:

Kelly apologised that she is not always able to drum and that her drumming could be more practised. The general consensus was that she was doing very well and that we can easily find her some other drummers to practice with next year.

ACTION 2.1: Kelly to continue drumming when available and get some practice at next suitable event.





3. Drill:

This needs to be improved if we are to avoid continuing to look like "a jumble sale".

ACTION 3.1: Everyone. There will be drill at least once during each muster.

ACTION 3.2: NCOs. New members will be drilled before taking part in a battle.

ACTION 3.3: Everyone. Advantage will be taking of waiting time prior to battles to do further drill where possible.

ACTION 3.4: NCOs and Officers. Drill times will be made available preferably before, if not on arrival at, musters. NCOs and Officers will make sure they find out so that they can tell and remind everyone else.

ACTION 3.5: Lurch will find timings of sword and musket tests at musters.

4. Communications:

After some discussion, John Bailey volunteered to take on the role of Communications Officer. This will involve sending out mailings from Lurch, The Hibble Scribble (John Oakley will continue to put this together). Regimental standing orders to be prepared containing dress regs, drill times etc.

ACTION 4.1: John Bailey to obtain membership list and ensure that all members receive regular mailings from the regiment ( by e-mail to those on-line and by post for those not). Regular mailings to between 4 and 6 per year.

ACTION 4.2: John Oakley to pass completed Hibble Scribble to John Bailey for distribution by end of November.

ACTION 4.3: Lurch to prepare Regimental standing orders and pass to John Bailey for distribution by end of November.

ACTION 4.4: Everyone who has an e-mail address that hasn’t already passed it to John Bailey to do so by end November. mail to:John@baileymail.net

ACTION 4.5: John Bailey to ensure that any personal information divulged is in line with the Data Protection Act 1998

5. Meetings:

It was agreed that these were best held at the Three Horseshoes but not during opening hours. It was felt that Musters were not a suitable for meetings. These are to be separate from the regular monthly gatherings. It was agreed that the next Regimental meeting would be held on the 24th March, following the Army council.

ACTION 5.1: Julie Blissett arrange availability of the pub by Christmas.

ACTION 5.2: Lurch would prepare the agenda before meeting.

ACTION 5.3: Everyone. Contact Lurch if you want something included in the agenda by 17th March.

6. Memorial Service:

The next memorial service for ex members of Rivers back to the 1640’s will take place at Donnington Castle on 6 January 2002 at 11.00am.

ACTION 6.1: John Oakley and Lurch to confirm Order of Service

ACTION 6.2: Everyone. Let Lurch know whether or not you will be coming.

7. Training:

Pete Cottrell suggested that we should have a training officer to ensure that training is kept to required standards. It was unanimously decided that Pete would be best placed to do this job.

ACTION 7.1: Lurch is to find out who is the training officer for Ruperts and Northamptons and put them in contact with Pete by end December.

ACTION 7.2: Pete Cottrell to ensure that our regimental training is in line with other Regiments within the Brigade and Army by 24th March.

8. Weaponry:

a. Pikes:

Brian has offered to look after some pikes and bring them along to musters. Lurch will also bring along pikes. This should ensure that we always have some turning up.

New pikes are required as we don’t have enough.

ACTION 8.1: Lurch to contact Arthur Jackson to get some pikes included in Ruperts’ next order by end November.

b. Officers Sticks:

We have been criticised for not having proper sticks for Officers and SNCOs. However, the heads used by Ruperts are too floppy, whilst those used by Northants are too hard. Metal heads are disallowed and plywood is wholly unsuitable as it splinters.

Advice has been sought by Lurch from the pole arm inspectorate, however they have not got back to him.

Steve Langan (our LG) is going to issue new rules on the carrying of polearms sometime in 2002.

It is pointless our spending money on something that may be deemed to be unsuitable when new rules are bought out in the near future.

Our concerns were expressed to Digger, as Chief of Staff of the Army, that we appear to be in some kind of catch 22 situation.

ACTION 8.2: It was agreed that we could take no further action on pole arms until the polearm inspectorate and/or Army had made up their minds.

c. Muskets:

We have lots of muskets available for use within the Regiment, some owned by individuals and others by the Regiment. It was agreed that we need to ascertain exactly how many muskets we have with a view to disposing of some or all of the regimental guns – especially as the musket inspectorate now take a dim view to Regimentally owned guns.

ACTION 8.3: All members who own or possess muskets are to inform Sharky of what they possess. This information is to include owner, barrel length, bore and maker. by end January.

ACTION 8.4: Sharky and Steve Derrett to compile list of muskets available to Regiment by 24th March.

d. Sword:

Quite a few of us have sword tests, others want to get them.

ACTION 8.5: Pete Cottrell to give/organise training at future musters.

e. Flag:

Whilst we do not currently have a regular Ensign, we do have two colours available, Matt has one and Lurch another. These are always bought along if either attend.

Volunteers are required carry the colours, although it was generally agreed that Standard Bearers and Ensigns do not mince, nor do they leave the colours lying around unattended when they go for a quick beer.

ACTION 8.6: Everyone to consider whether they would like to have a go at carrying the colours and volunteer at the next event they attend.

9. Wellington Country Park:

Shirley has been approached by the Country Park for us to put on some kind of small event next year in May, with a view to putting on a proper muster in a couple of years(if we get it right).

It was unanimously agreed that we should do this event as it is something definite for us to aim for in bringing the Regiment forward. It was decided that although only Shirley can deal with the country park (she works for the Duke), there would be a committee within the Regiment to organise/run the event.

As those who went to meeting will now be aware, apparently the original house at Stratfield Saye was hunting lodge built by Earl Rivers in the 1650s and the estate was passed to the Duke of Wellington by a grateful nation as the Rivers line has died out (sorry if this isn’t quite right Shirley!)

ACTION 9.1: Shirley to liase with Country Park and Regimental committee for update in next mailing by John Bailey.

ACTION 9.2: Rob Larder, Dave and Kelly Warren, Julie Blissett and Sharky to make themselves available to Shirley as the committee to update Regiment on 24th March.

10. Living History:

There was some discussion as to what individuals can do – it is not just cooking meals etc. Anyone can have a go, we all have knowledge at least of the weapons we use and the clothes we wear. Members of the public are often quite happy to discuss the merits and pitfalls of 17th century clothing etc or to handle weapons, try on armour etc. Even if we sit around and play authentic card games or repair kit etc we are helping towards the overall show.

John Oakley talked about how he has been working on expanding his priest role to include education etc.

ACTION 10.1: Everyone is to consider what they can do and what they know to give value to any living history event we may take part in, starting with the Wellington Country Park event

11. New Recruits:

We aren’t very good at looking after new recruits. Alison told us about the buddy system that exists within her ECWS regiment, where new recruits are put under the responsibility of older members. She said that quite often the best buddies are the ones that were new recruits last year. It was agreed that this seemed a good idea.

ACTION 11.1: Lurch to ensure that any future new recruits are assigned a buddy.

ACTION 11.2: Lurch to ensure that an information pack is made available to new members with history of the Regiment, contact numbers, etc. by end January.


John Bailey has acquired the above address for our website and linked to the existing site hosted by Jeff.

ACTION 12.1: John to ensure that on-line members of Rivers are aware of this change by end November.

ACTION 12.2: John to discuss future hosting of site with Jeff by end February.

13. John Oakley

John reminded the meeting that he is available for any spiritual guidance and services (weddings, christenings, etc).

ACTION 13.1: Everyone to consider John for future services.

14. Next of Kin list

It was agreed that we need to maintain some kind of next of kin contacts for members – especially those who come to musters on their own, should people be taken ill or injured whilst as an event.

ACTION 14.1: Shirley to prepare form and give it to John Bailey to be distributed with next mailing

ACTION 14.2: Everyone to complete form and pass it to Else Stone before first event of next season.

15. Regimental PRO

Rob Larder has taken over the job of Regimental PRO – many thanks to Matt for his past efforts.

ACTION 15.1: Rob to obtain copy of Regimental PRO pack and action it where necessary and ensure that everyone is aware of what we can and can’t do via Regimental mailings.

16. Kit Inspections:

All to be inspected prior to taking part in events to ensure that we meet dress regs. (If you want to look like a sack of s**t, it must an authentic sack of s**t)

ACTION 16.1: Everyone (combatants and non-combatants) to ensure that their kit meets dress regulations by first event of next season. If in doubt, ask – especially if you are about to spend money on something.

17. Communication:

ACTION 17.1: Everyone to let Lurch know what events they are going to (yes I know we’ve had that before).


Meeting closed at midday.